English: Bay of Stony Brook Harbor in Stony Brook, Long Island. Deutsch: Bucht Stony Brook Harbor in Stony Brook, Long Island. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
I think I'm going to have to stop going, at least most of the time. This summer, we have things happening most weekends, and since I'm home, it's on me to do the prep for them -- whether it's scrubbing the bathroom for guests, or baking for a family function, or packing for a weekend trip, it's got to be done, and ideally, it's got to be done Friday afternoon.
Other than that, what's been going on this week?
Well, what I did do on Friday was make lemon squares for a family function Saturday. And I already told you about that family function.
Friday evening, we had a very nice dinner with a friend, then Chris and I stopped for drinks on the way home.
Saturday, well, like I said, I already told you about that. Afterwards, we went further out Long Island for a friend's birthday party. The bar/restaurant was really nice -- family friendly during the day, clubby at night, ad we were there around sundown, so we got just enough of both that neither were annoying. Really good peach sangria, too.
Sunday was Father's Day, of course, so we went to a cookout at Chris's parents' place. All in all, it was a weekend of doing things earlier than usual -- and it was kind of nice, actually.
I finished Wool
I also got an actual deadline for the blanket I'm knitting, which is helpful. I broke the needle, but fortunately, I have backup, so I can keep working while I wait for the replacement to arrive.
How was your week?
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