Metropolitan Museum of Art entrance, New York City. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
I'm 30.
I'm not really sure what to do with that. I don't feel different -- half the time I don't really feel like an adult, to be honest. I sort of fell like I should be doing something huge, and I suspect it's that sense of "should" that's causing my birthday-related anxiety, more than any actual feelings about aging.
I mean, seriously. Getting older sure beats the alternative, doesn't it?
And anyway, my husband made some great plans I'll tell you about next week, after they've actually happened.
But you don't care about that! You're here to read about my week, which you also don't care about!
Last Friday was nice. I got out of work early, and decided to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art one more time before my membership expired. That was fun; I saw an exhibit I'd been looking forward to, plus a few more I wasn't familiar with but that were really neat. Then I got some pasta in the cafeteria, though I wish in retrospect I had thought ahead and made reservations for one of the wine bars. Oh well.
Afterwards, I went to a game night hosted by one of the guys in my writing workshop. My husband joined me there, which was cool because this was the first time he'd really met any of those people.
Saturday was pretty chill. We got kebabs for lunch, ran errands, went to the gym, and then got Australian food for dinner. I had a kangaroo steak. It was awesome, but not even the best thing on the menu. We then went home and attempted to make fancy cocktails... which ended up just being weird, tasty cocktails, but that's what matters!
Sunday I bought doughnuts for breakfast, to celebrate that Lent is over and we can eat fried food again. I messed up the logistics, so we ended up with Entenmenn's, which was a bit of a letdown, but still good. Church was... meh. The joyous songs of alleluia were all sung like funeral dirges, the sermon was incomprehensible (but, as far as I could tell, inoffensive, so that's progress), and the collection was far more organized than the communion, which tells me something about parish priorities.
Then it was over to my in-laws' for lunch/dinner/all-afternoon binge, where I ate too much. Typical family holiday :)
Monday my husband took a half-day in honor of Opening Day, so I met him afterwards and we got some amazing nachos. I really missed fried food.
Wednesday, we saw the tax guy. So exciting. More importantly, something I'd been stressing about at work resolved itself. Now, it turns out the phrase "When God closes a door, He opens a window," applies to stress just as much as opportunity, because something else came up, but it's something that, at least for the short term, is much easier to handle.
Then Thursday, a friend won a happy hour, so we did that. It was fun, but pretty low-key.
I burned through Throne of the Crescent Moon
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