I Don't Know What I Want, But I Know It's Not This
By Julie Jansen
Chapter 12: Job Search -- the Nuts and Bolts
Your Job Search
Without getting into the whys and hows, my criteria have shifted since the last time we talked about applying any of this to me. But since this is just as much, if not more, about applying it to you, just ignore any inconsistencies and go with it. Thanks!So! Your job hunt is going to make you feel bad. The good(?) news is, that's normal. But good things are likely to happen, too, so try to be optimistic [link] and expect some of those as well.
Relationships Are Essential to Changing Jobs
Wow, that's a tiny subheading. OK! This is true, though. All the freelance work I've gotten has been because I know someone, usually who knows someone in turn. (By the way, if you know someone who needs some freelance work done, pass them my contact info. Thanks!)So Jansen's main advice here is to maintain, or rekindle the relationships you have. Anyone can help, and old relationships are easier than new ones. Be helpful to them, and let them be helpful to you.
But also form new relationships anyway. Friends of friends are awesome, useful, and frequently pretty cool -- at minimum, you have your friend in common!